Tuesday 12 August 2014

Compatibility of SQL Server 2014 with NAV2013 and NAV2013R2

Here we go:
SQL Server 2014 released earlier this year with many new and interesting capabilities. For further information, please take a look at the product information at this location:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/products/sql-server/default.aspx.
Over the last few months, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV team has been testing compatibility with this new version of SQL Server, and now announced that Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 are compatible with SQL Server 2014!
Microsoft is still testing Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2
Please note that this applies to the following editions of Microsoft SQL Server:
  • Standard Edition
  • Enterprise Edition

Thursday 7 August 2014

Top 25 Dynamics NAV Sites

Today I received a message from Dynamics101, a recently launched training site for Microsoft Dynamics products, mentioning that “after careful consideration we have decided to include your blog in our first annual list of Top 25 Dynamics NAV Sites.”  

Thank you all

Top 25 Dynamics NAV Blogs

Tuesday 5 August 2014

How to find which objects are in our License Range.

If you want to check whether object is in your license range or not then generally we click Design button and then if we can see design window then it means that object is in our license range or if we get below error then it means that object is not in our license range.

·        Some objects like Menusuite 1010 or 1030 can be designed but we get error message while saving.

So if we want to know for all objects in database then it is difficult to go through each object and design.
We have a new feature called object Lock in NAV2009 and above versions.
We can use this feature know which objects are in our license range by one click.
Select All Objects in Development Environment and Click FileàLock

The objects which are locked are in our license range and the objects which are not locked are not in our license range.

Try it yourself and you will find it.