Wednesday 29 May 2024

Resolving the DML Statement Error During the Business Central Upgrade

Upgrading to Business Central can sometimes throw unexpected errors, and one such error we recently encountered involved a DML statement issue with the 'Access Control' table. Here, we’ll walk you through the problem and how we resolved it.

The Error

During an upgrade attempt from BC14 to BC23, the Event log reported the following error related to the 'Access Control' table:


The target table 'BC14PROD_UPG.dbo.Access Control’ of the DML statement cannot have any enabled triggers if the statement contains an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause.

Investigation and Findings

Upon investigating the error, we discovered that the 'Access Control' table had several triggers enabled. Triggers in SQL Server are special types of stored procedures that automatically run when specific actions occur in the database.


The upgrade process failed because the DML statement included an OUTPUT clause without an INTO clause, which conflicted with the enabled triggers. To resolve this, we deleted the triggers on the 'Access Control' table.

Steps to Resolve the Error

1.    Identify Triggers: First, identify any triggers associated with the 'Access Control' table.

2.      Delete Triggers: Next, delete the identified triggers.

3.      Re-run the Upgrade: After deleting the triggers, we re-ran the upgrade process, which completed successfully.


If you encounter the DML statement error during your BC upgrade, check for and remove any triggers on the associated table. This straightforward solution allowed our upgrade to proceed without further issues.


We hope this insight helps others facing similar upgrade challenges. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out in the comments below.


Happy upgrading!

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Page Scripting Tool in #msdyn365bc (BC24 Preview)

The Page Scripting Tool offers users a more efficient way to validate their key scenarios. By capturing user interactions and replaying them seamlessly within the UI, the tool eliminates the need for complex external testing environments, reducing both time and effort.
This simplicity not only accelerates the testing process but can be used for training and replication of bugs for developers.

Monday 11 March 2024

View incoming documents in archived quotes and orders (BC24)

The capability to access incoming documents within sales and purchase quotes and orders, even after they have been archived, significantly enhances document management efficiency. This feature ensures uninterrupted access to crucial information, facilitates well-informed decision-making, and contributes to a reduction in administrative overhead.

Once you archive purchase and sales quotes and orders, whether through manual or automatic processes, the archived versions of these documents retain the incoming documents that were attached before the archival. This ensures that the historical record includes all pertinent incoming document information for reference.


As an illustration, let's initiate the creation of a purchase order, attach a relevant incoming document to it, and subsequently manually archive the order.


Upon accessing the Purchase List Archive page and reviewing the archived versions of a purchase order, note that the Incoming Document FactBox will display attachments that were originally linked to the initial document. This ensures comprehensive visibility into the attached incoming documents even within the archived records.


By default, the Incoming Documents FactBox is hidden; however, you have the flexibility to personalize pages and add them according to your preferences.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Connect Field Service operations with #msdyn365bc (BC24)

This integration is helpful for businesses offering professional services. It combines service task management, consumption tracking, and financial handling into a single, seamless system, benefiting technicians, managers, and finance departments. It streamlines work order and consumption management in Field Service, allowing for efficient invoicing and fulfillment through Business Central.