Problem: We encountered the following error while running the Cloud Migration tool on the BC22 version.
We got the
below details from the “Copy details” of the above screenshot.
If requesting support, please provide the following details
to help troubleshooting:
Company creation failed with error Sorry, the current
permissions prevented the action. (TableData Company Insert: Base Application).
Please fix this and re-run the Cloud Migration Setup wizard.
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
AL call stack:
"Hybrid Cloud Management"(CodeUnit
4001).VerifyCanStartReplication line 11 - Intelligent Cloud Base by Microsoft
"Cloud Migration Management"(Page
40063)."RunReplicationNow - OnAction"(Trigger) line 4 - Intelligent
Cloud Base by Microsoft
The User has
SUPER permission set assigned.
Please check if the BC license is assigned to the user from M365.
The above
error was resolved after assigning a BC license to the user from M365 (Office).